Post by Bob CameronAre there ever any problems "mixing/adding" what would commonly be
separate tags for the one entity?
Yes. I can give you an example from the perspective of one map renderer.
The "amenity=pub; tourism=hotel" combination is pretty common in lots of
places. For a map that I created I had to decide what to show them as,
so for pubs that are both I decided to show them as pubs. The code that
does this in my case is at
(that's fairly easy to understand, even if you don't understand the
You'll notice that that also adds an "accommodation=yes" tag internally
(not to the data in OSM), and that causes the "blue hotel-like roof"
that you see on pubs such as like
( in OSM).
Obviously a map that was more interested in showing places to stay
rather than places to drink would show something like that as a hotel
rather than a pub. OSM's "standard" map tiles are an example that shows
that as a hotel rather than a pub.
Post by Bob CameronI am thinking in terms of rendering, mkgmap or other downstream uses.
I guess there would be an icon/avatar precedence issue but I wonder
what else.
If you're "counting hotels" and "counting pubs" and adding the two
together than you'll get a higher number than "counting the things that
are either hotels or pubs" - it's up to the person doing the counting to
ensure that they don't make that mistake if they want an accurate number
(of what is mapped in OSM so far).
If there are two POIs close together the count will be OK but renderers
will still need to decide which to show. They might have a concept of
layers, or or concept of an order to display things within layers, but
any automatic process will produce oddities. Have a look at what cities
appear in the Netherlands at at different zoom
levels - the administrative capital (Den Haag) disappears and reappears,
because it overlaps with other features.
Best Regards,